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Sabbath: Freedom

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Dark Side of Freedom

Writer Chris Heuertz describes a ministry that works with women in India who were rescued from trafficking. In this chapter, he uses their stories to make a point about freedom.

“Freedom is beautiful, but like all things, it has a dark side. Every woman who lives into the gift of her freedom needs the others in her community. Every day the Sari Bari community comes together to create beauty. The blankets they stitch are vibrant, colorful works of art. Stitched into every blanket, if you look hard enough, you’ll discover tiny patches cut out of the same material the sari quilt is made from. Some of the little patches are intricately sewn so that the pattern of the quilt lines up perfectly with the pattern on the patch. Other times, the patch stands out, a bold statement of color that enhances the quilt’s design.

It turns out the patches aren’t added to make the blankets more beautiful but to cover the flaws and tears on every quilt; they’re an inevitable part of recycling and restoring each sari blanket. Even more ironic, the women hate having to go back and repair their work. The patches are time consuming and tedious. Yet it’s the patches that make the quilt so beautiful and unique.

As is the case with us. In our own freedom, we still go about making mistakes, disappointing ourselves and others, living with guilt, shame, regret, or fear that the consequences of our worst moments will catch up to us. Many of us have a hard time accepting the flawed parts of ourselves when we’re alone–a struggle that’s even more difficult when we’re in community.”

Pray for the mercy to recognize and learn to accept the failures in your life, and the willingness to receive the grace of God that meets you in your failure and convicts you to follow Jesus more closely.

This week’s devotional reflections have been drawn from the book, Unexpected Gifts: Discovering the Way of Community by Christopher Heuertz. Howard Books, New York City. 2013. 

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