Oakdale Park Church

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Sabbath: Freedom

Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Freedom to Leave

Transitions aren’t easy, which is why deciding to make a change in your life can be difficult. Chris Heurertz explains,

“A few years ago, a Dutch Reformed pastor and a dear friend, passed along a document his church used to help people leave that congregation. The title of that short paper was ‘When It’s Time to Go,’ and, though a bit overly suggestive, the content was practical and thoughtful.
As much as we try to prepare a person and the community for transition, sometimes people still mentally and relationally check out long before their last day in a particular community. Sometimes this is an important part of the transition process; other times it creates an environment that becomes toxic. This can be true even when the transition is one that obviously needs to happen for the health of the community member, the community she or he is leaving, or both.

Typically, when people overidentify who they are with their community, there inevitably comes a time of differentiation. Usually this takes place when someone transitions out of a community, though it can also happen with people while they remain in the community. Even if the transition is for good reasons and handled well, there is still a series of phases that needs to be lived and experienced. Handling the phases of transition when it’s time to go can be harder than arriving at the decision to leave.” pages 83-84

As Pastor Dave Sieplinga comes on board as Oakdale’s transitional minister this year, we will be invited as a community to navigate this time of transition at Oakdale with intention. Because of our need for physical distance from one another right now, intentionality will be key to this process. Pray that God will give you clarity about the ways that you are being called to steward this transition in the life of Oakdale Park Church.

This week’s devotional reflections have been drawn from the book, Unexpected Gifts: Discovering the Way of Community by Christopher Heuertz. Howard Books, New York City. 2013. 

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