Oakdale Park Church

Loving God, Loving Others, Right here.

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Sabbath: Healing

Monday, August 17, 2020
Letting Go

“One of the many purposes of reading Scripture is to wander among it’s stories of human confusion, loss, discovery, and triumph and see in all of them how the Spirit of God broods over the waters, how God speaks in dreams, calls the unlikeliest people, and sends angels in disguise. It seems to me that one of the primary purposes of these sacred texts is to offer us stories to live by, not only to provide moral guidance but to complicate our oversimplified notions about success and failure, holiness and sinfulness, virtue and vice. Scripture reminds us repeatedly that we are, none of us, in a position to judge ourselves any more than we’re in a position to judge others.” page 49

God’s word is such an incredible gift. It’s the only book that, no matter where or when we read it, the author is always there with us, helping us to interpret the power of its words for our lives. No matter how many times we turn to it, there is always something new to be found. God’s word cannot be contained or fully grasped. As much as some people try to manipulate it or weaponize it for their own selfish purposes, God continues to speak through it, illuminating lives with truth.

Today, turn to a story in God’s word (if you want a suggestion, read Genesis 32-33). Take note of what you notice about the people in the story, about their relationship with God, about the mistakes they made and the ways that God provided. Pray that God would use this story to help you see and understand the way that God is working in your life right now.

This week’s devotions are based on the book Word by Word: A Daily Spiritual Practice by Marilyn McEntyre. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 2016.

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