Oakdale Park Church

Loving God, Loving Others, Right here.

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Sabbath: Holiness

Friday, June 26, 2020
Prayer of Confession

O Father in Heaven,
Who knit together my hands and feet to serve you and my soul to seek after you,
With sorrow and remorse in my heart I stand before you,
Repenting of my faults and failures this week.

Too long, O Father, have I tried your patience. 
Too often have I betrayed the trust you have placed in me.
Yet you are still willing to accept me in this state,
As I ask you, again, to drown my sins in the sea of your never-ending love–
My failure to be true to my own standards for myself.
The ways I have deceived myself when tempted.
My choosing what is wrong when I know what is right.
O Lord, forgive me.
Forgive my failure to live up to the standards of what I expect from other people.
Forgive my blindness to the suffering of others and my slowness to learn from my own pain.
Forgive the ways that I ignore the wrongs that do not touch me and my over-sensitivity to those that do.
How slow I am to see the good in other people or the evil in myself!
How hard my heart is towards my neighbors faults and my readiness to make excuses for my own!
Forgive my unwillingness to believe that you have called me to do a small thing and my neighbor to a great one.
God, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and give me the strength of a willing spirit. Amen.

Adapted from a prayer by John Baillie in his Diary of Private Prayer (Simon & Schuster, New York. 1949)

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Sabbath: Holiness

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