Contact Sammy:
Email: opcyouthdirector@gmail.com
Phone: (616)-452-5764
I was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah and moved to Michigan when I came to college. I married my high school sweetheart, Eric, and we settled here. I’ve been attending Oakdale since 1995. Our first home was on Temple street, two blocks from church. My first (and only) job out of college was to work here, at Oakdale Park Church from 1999-2004. During that time, I was the director of youth ministries, leading and directing the Middle School and High School youth groups. I loved that job and that time in my life! Reluctantly, I left paid ministry after the birth of my firstborn and began full-time “mom” ministry, including homeschooling my kids.
I am so excited to be back in Youth Ministry. Kids are a passion of mine and the ages between 12 and 18 are foundational for a teen to meet and know Jesus as their own Savior, not just as the God of his/her parents. Not only do I love to build relationships with kids, but also to encourage and equip adults to love them and discover how creative, intelligent, curious, unique each one is and how to fall in love with each one.